Gaming and Internet Disorder Services
Treatment and Support services for Gaming Disorder and Internet Addiction
Gaming in our current age is common, and problem gaming is increasingly more pervasive. Game design and game culture is becoming increasingly embedded with gambling elements. Gambling and Gaming Disorders share many common features, including the fact that there are far too few service providers and help resources for those struggling with gaming, gambling, tech and screen use. That is why the Evergreen Council on Problem Gambling (ECPG) is committed to supporting treatment services, promoting awareness, and providing training on Gaming Disorder and other internet and tech-based addictions.
Video game play has become one of the fastest-growing forms of entertainment with more than 2.5 billion players worldwide and generating an estimated $159 billion in 2020. While most people play for fun and entertainment, there is growing evidence that, for a small but critical percentage of players, video game play can have harmful health implications.
Training Opportunities:
Foundations in Gaming Disorder
Core Training is Designed for You. The Core training is now offered 100% online and self-directed (up to 30 CE-hours). It is designed to provide the critical knowledge needed to understand and address at-risk gaming and gaming disorder, from prevention through treatment and recovery. Whether you are a parent, educator, prevention specialist, or counselor. The course has three parts designed to help you take only what you need.
Better understand why games are appealing, and how to help the young people in their life to be able to set and stick to healthy limits with age-appropriate games.
Recognize the Strategic Prevention Framework reviewed explained in this training, and learn how to apply it to problem gaming prevention programs and services.
Learn how various treatment modalities may be applied to gaming, and how the treatment of gaming disorder may vary from traditional mental health and addiction treatment approaches.
Links for Online Help Resources:
Foundations in Gaming Disorder Training
Brief Internet Gaming Screen (restart Life)
Children and Screens, Institute of Digital Media and Child Development
Children’s Screen Time Action Network
Computer Gaming Addicts Anonymous (CGAA)
Internet and Technology Addicts Anonymous (ITAA)
Online Gamers Anonymous (OLGAnon)
reSTART Life (outpatient and residential treatment)
Screen Strong, Families Managing Media Inc.
Video: GameQuitters “8 Ways to Stop Gaming”
Video: What is Gaming Disorder?
Video: Gaming Culture 101
Zone In Programs Inc., Managing Technology with Healthy Living